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A TimeLine of our achievements National Mentoring Day - Banner Shadow

Time Line Over The Years

Millions of people now celebrate National Mentoring Day.
Here’s a brief history of where we started and the impact we’ve made to support mentoring throughout the world.

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Launch of PR and Media Services to support Mentoring Initiatives

March 2022 Giving a national voice to Charities, Businesses, Third Sector and non-profit organisations who offer mentoring. We use top media experts to strengthen and enhance your media reach, impact and opportunities to amplify your key objectives.

Giving a national voice to Charities, Businesses, Third Sector and non-profit organisations who offer mentoring. We use top media experts to strengthen and enhance your media reach, impact and opportunities to amplify your key objectives.

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Prince of Wales awarded a National Mentoring Award

December 2021 His Royal Highness Prince of Wales accepted the award for his charity PRIME Cymru, for their ‘Outstanding Contribution to Mentoring’ for supporting over 15,000 people aged over 50 back into the workplace.

His Royal Highness Prince of Wales accepted the award for his charity PRIME Cymru, for their ‘Outstanding Contribution to Mentoring’ for supporting over 15,000 people aged over 50 back into the workplace."

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Mentoring Resources translated into Spanish

October 2021 Mentoring resources given free for global mentoring conference to unite Spanish Speaking mentors and facilitate collaboration and partnerships with South American countries.

Mentoring resources given free for global mentoring conference to unite Spanish Speaking mentors and facilitate collaboration and partnerships with South American countries.

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One Person, One Hour -Campaign Launched

September 2021 Global campaign launched to encourage Everyone to commit one hour to mentor someone on National Mentoring Day 27th October. “One word, one hour can be all that’s needed to effect a positive change in someone.

Global campaign launched to encourage "Everyone to commit one hour to mentor someone on National Mentoring Day 27th October. “One word, one hour can be all that’s needed to effect a positive change in someone."

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Global Launch of National Mentoring Day

October 2020 Countries around the world are invited to participate in National Mentoring Day, official events take place in India, Spain, South America, Cyprus, UAE.

Countries around the world are invited to participate in National Mentoring Day, official events take place in India, Spain, South America, Cyprus, UAE.

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Worldwide Events take place

October 2019 Mentoring Events and conferences take place in Cyprus, Spain, India, UK, Hong Kong, Middle East.

Mentoring Events and conferences take place in Cyprus, Spain, India, UK, Hong Kong, Middle East.

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National Mentoring Awards Ceremony

March 2019 National celebration to award Mentoring Excellence across all sectors of Business, Education, Sport, Charity and Society.

National celebration to award Mentoring Excellence across all sectors of Business, Education, Sport, Charity and Society.

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Launch of National Mentoring Awards

January 2019 Created to honour and recognise outstanding mentors and mentoring initiatives making a difference.

Created to honour and recognise outstanding mentors and mentoring initiatives making a difference.

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Government Event, House of Commons

March 2018 Government Officials, Politicians and MPs invited to support National Mentoring Day.

Government Officials, Politicians and MPs invited to support National Mentoring Day.

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National Mentoring Day celebrated in the iconic Shard, London Building

October 2017 October 2017 The Shard Armed forces Royal Navy British Army Royal Air Force

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Launch of Mentoring Pillars

September 2017 Introduction of our four areas of focus for mentoring growth - Celebrate, Support, Educate and Connect.

Introduction of our four areas of focus for mentoring growth - Celebrate, Support, Educate and Connect.

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Launch of Mentoring Mission

January 2017 Declaration of our global goal to make mentoring accessible to everyone. Read More..  
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Official Launch in WALES, UK

October 2015 Mentoring Summit held at The Senedd Welsh Parliament supported by the Welsh Government.

Mentoring Summit held at The Senedd Welsh Parliament supported by the Welsh Government.

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Inaugurated as an Official National Day

October 2016 Lord Young becomes Patron of National Mentoring Day, and a National Mentoring Summit takes place in the Houses of Parliament, London to unite all mentoring organizations.

Lord Young becomes Patron of National Mentoring Day, and a National Mentoring Summit takes place in the Houses of Parliament, London to unite all mentoring organizations.

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First National Mentoring Day

October 2015 Official Launch in London takes place including a mentoring summit

Official Launch in London takes place including a mentoring summit.

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National Mentoring Day Founded

March 2014 Award-Winning Business Mentor, Chelsey Baker begins the project that is National Mentoring Day to inspire more people to become a mentor and showcase the impact of mentoring.

Award-Winning Business Mentor, Chelsey Baker begins the project that is National Mentoring Day to inspire more people to become a mentor and showcase the impact of mentoring.

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